WikiGuide: Using Archimedes’ lever in Excel

by admin on April 26, 2010

This WikiGuide (wiki means quick) uses a metaphor – the lever – to reveal how the Right Click works.  Position the mouse correctly and a Right Click will reveal a menu of options that propel you on your way to becoming a power user in Excel.  Like Archimedes said, more than 2000 years ago:

Lever “Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough, and I will move the world.” (Archimedes, 222 BC)

Give me a place to stand…!

Columns, rows and cells, column labels and row labels are the places to stand – places to mouse Click in the Excel environment.   Then Right Click to look for the lever.

caution-sign2When we say Click, we mean Click the left mouse button.  When we say Right Click, we mean Click the right mouse button.  When we say Double Click, we mean Click the left mouse button twice in quick succession.

Inputting vs. editing contents of a cell

The difference between inputting in a cell and editing a cell is the Double Click. Click inside a cell to input and whatever you type becomes the contents of the cell. Double Click inside a cell to edit without disturbing the existing contents of the cell.

caution-sign2Otherwise you will Overwrite! If you Click on a cell with contents already in it, and start typing, you will overwrite the contents of the cell.

When you’re done inputting or editing the contents of a cell, press Enter to go Down to the next cell or press Tab to go Over to the next cell.  The Enter Key or the Tab key will get you out of any cell, keeping the contents of the cell in tact.

So give yourself a place to stand…

…and a lever long enough…!

Formatting cells

Click on a cell (or Click and Drag to highlight a range of cells) and then Right Click to look for the lever:

Format Cells is a long lever:  note how many tabs across the top of the Format Cells dialog box (see below.)  Choose the Patterns Tab to create shading and color…

…or the Border Tab to create borders:

caution-sign2Select the Style of line you want, then Click on the border you want to make.

…or the Font Tab to format cell contents:

Use the double underline for totals on your Income and Expense Report.

Formatting made easy

Here’s a nice, long lever right on the Standard toolbar: the Format Painter.

Choose an entire row that you have formatted the way you want it (i.e., Click on the Row Label) and then Double Click on the Format Painter.

Now simply Click on whatever row or rows you want to format the same way and Format Painter formats the row automatically.  When you’re done, Click the Format Painter button “off.”

…and I will move my world at work:  Long levers to maintain reports

Insert/delete rows and columns

Highlight the row or column where you want to insert, then Right Click to look for the lever.  To highlight, simply Click on the Row Label (1, 2, 3…) or the Column Label (A, B, C…).

caution-sign2Be careful which row or column you choose:  New rows appear from above:

New columns appear from the left:

caution-sign2Formatting: the new row looks like the row above it.  The new column looks like the column to the left of it.

Copy a row/column

Highlight the column or row you want to copy. Right Click to look for the lever.

caution-sign2Before you paste the row/column you’ve copied, be sure to make room for it.  Insert|Row or Column before you paste. Otherwise you will Overwrite!

Hide/unhide columns

Hiding a column makes the data disappear but any reference to the data, i.e., in a formula, still works. Click on the column label to highlight the entire column and then Right Click to look for the lever.

Give yourself a place to stand and a lever long enough to move your world at work with Excel!

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